Thursday, January 28, 2016

printing roller diy

For the brayer  I used gasoline rubber hose (for motorcycles)
2 cm the outer diameter,1,4cm the internal, (if you can find bigger  the better). Long as you want
A gas hose that I put inside the gasoline hose. 1.5cm the outer diameter, 0,8 internal.
a screw and nut, a piece of metal  1.8cm width and a piece of wood for handle
For 6cm brayer you need:
1.Cut  a 6cm long gasoline rubber hose and a 6cm gas hose
2.Put the gas hose into the gasoline, it must be tight.(soap helps if you have problem)
3. Take the piece of metal and a drill one edge 0.8cm.
4.Warp it in the vice,make a Π 3.5x7x3.5cm.
5.Drill the other edge using the first one as  guide.Grind their edges to be round.
6.Make a small drill in the midle of the Π for the handle
7.Put  a wooden handle 9.5 cm long is good ,2cm diameter
8.Put the screw 10.5x0.7 from one edge, the hose and then the nut
(i don't know how you call them, but these screws have turns only to the edge)

brayer printing roller diy


tiny etching pasta press

a tiny etching press using a pasta press
1.Secure the press with L and S (warped L) to a piece of wood
(if it is cleaner than mine better!) 50cm-65x20cm
 2. screw 4 pieces of wood at the same highof  the rollers -3mm for
the lids
3.screw 2 or 4 vertically
4 screw the lids 3mm and you are ready
It is really good for zinc 0.5 mm thickness
maximum width 13.5 cmm
ξυλογραφια-λινολεουμ  υλικα εργαλεια

ξυλογραφια σε χρεωκοπημενους χρονους

green eyeshade visor diy

how to make a green eyeshade visor

I used the half of a green folder. I  secured  it with a saucepen and I cut a piece like a half moon.
With a small  gouge I open holes

how to make a green eyeshade visor

ξυλογραφια εργαλεια, υλικα